wsfa-small.pngThe WSFA Journal

June/July 2010




Rectangular Callout:











Books Are Cooked, Hotels Worked On


First Friday in May 5/7 – President Judy started with "Let's have a short meeting because of the election." Colleen said that the day was officially no pants day.  Sam summarized the business from the last meeting.  Judy said that she had email from Warner Bros. They are doing previews of the movie Splice and invited WSFA to a screening on May 12. People debated if they wanted to go.

The treasurer's report was Bank accounts: WSFA:        $ 5,798.92 Capclave:    $ 3,451.17 Merchant:    $ 2,382.15 for a Total:        $11,632.24. 

Paypal:        $ 1,360.13  CDs: M&T        $ 5,843.55, BB&T        $ 6,000.00 , Total CDs:    $11,843.55
Grand total:    $24,835.92.  Let's have a party said Candy. The trustees say they are having an election. For publications Gayle reported the Connie book will have an afterwards and after-afterwards. The artist has information for the cover. There was a Reincarnations sighting at Barnes & Noble <of course, of course>. So far there have been 10 pre-orders of each book, 10% of the breakeven point and still six months out. 

For Capclave 09 Bill said Steve has not gotten the books uncooked <Steamed romances? Hardboiled detective stories?>.  Steve said the numbers from the original report basically correct. We made a surplus, not a profit. For 2010 Gayle said moving along. Membership 75. There is a big push at Balticon with six new ducks. We will have ads in Balticon program book & Readercon and working on Confluence. Everyone bring a friend. For 2011 Cathy was not here but George said they are working on hotels.

Colleen said small press nominations closed in March. The committee members are reading 54 stories and doing blind judging <reading the stories in Braille?>  They will try to have them for the club by first Friday in June. Club will have until August 1 to get votes in.  If not enough, Cathy will not make fudge.  Sam S. said it only took 2 hours to read the finalists, not a big amount. Colleen said we may not be able to get half the club to vote but still better than Hugos. On revision of rules, we will send out a survey to small press to see what they think small press is.  We may do this annually.  Judy said we may become the first in the world to define small press <Watch out OED!>   

Meet up brought in one person who said Meet up works well. John said he set up meet up and had success.  Cost for six months is $72 and he still needs to be reimbursed. We have 35 members in meet up, 8 are current WSFAns leaving 27 who never heard of us before.  Mike Bartman is #1. This is a mailing list. Most joiners were in first week. Now get ones and twos.  Emily said it was good to get someone, but if could get to go to a movie or something, it would be good.  The club appointed Emily intertivities chair, but she declined.  Judy said, if you have ideas see John afterwards.  Emily said she has a list of upcoming movies and will check.  There was a long discussion about angst in the Harry Potter Deathly Hallows <that posterity has been saved from>.  The new person is Bryan Puterbaugh. He saw us on Meet up which he said is a congenial way to follow things. He commended this group for trying it.  He is a self unemployed lawyer and contract administrator writing a SF novel that he carries with him on his keychain via flashdrive.  He is doing resumes for his characters <so that other authors could hire them???>

Judy S. has to have knee surgery due to cartilage in her knee.  Sam S was on jury. American Library Association in DC last week in June. An anonymous donor gave the Library of Congress $12 million for the annual book festival. It draws 130,000 people. Gayle said to appear on the WSFA calendar send to the webmaster. Emily said Discworld 2011 convention will have a new location in Madison Wisconsin, likely 2nd weekend in July. Peter Beagle, first winner of our small press contest will be putting out a Last Unicorn comic.  <He's an inept wizard. She's the last of the unicorns. Together they fight crime.>

Meeting unanimously adjourned at 9:53. Attendance: Colleen Cahill, Paul Haggerty, Bill Lawhorn, Brian Lewis, Sam Lubell, Bob MacIntosh, Candy & John Madigan, Barry & Judy Newton, Mark Roth, Judy & Sam Scheiner, George Shaner, Steve Smith, Gayle Surrette, Sean Wallace, Emily Whitten, Ivy Yap, Dennis Landis, Bryan Puterbaugh, and Jennifer Waltace.

Election: President Judy N acclaimed, VP Sam S acclaimed. Treasurer Steve S acclaimed, Secretary Sam L was acclaimed. Trustees Barry N, Bob M, and Elspeth K were all acclaimed with one abstention (Bill). Chair 2012 Emily was nominated but declined. George Shaner acclaimed.  Small press award, Colleen and Paul were acclaimed after Emily declined another nomination <Is she holding out for President?>


The Virtue of Selfishness (Signet)WSFA's History is Holey


The May 21, third Friday began with Steve Smith running the meeting.  "Let's have a meeting,"  "No," yelled Candy from upstairs.  Third Friday meeting in May 2010 called to what passes for order at 9:21.  We barely have quorum.  Minutes of last meeting were waived. Fudge and brownies promised if people read stories for the small press award.  Sam summarized minutes.  Minutes accepted as read.  There was one objection from Bill.  Mike W said that Bill was objectionable, Steve said could be worse, could be objectivist. Sam L. asked about where the official copies of the WSFA journals are.  Steve and Cathy have sets.  Steve said has stuff going back to 1950s including dictation tapes from Joe that no one can read anymore.  Kit would like them out of the house. Gayle said Colleen is club librarian so that's who should get them.  Paul volunteered his basement since Sam only lives in a one bedroom. 

Treasurer, Steve said it was $3.41 oh wait, that's my account.  Emailed account info.  WSFA    $5,798.92, Capclave:     $ 3,451.17,  Merchant:     $ 2,382.15   Total checking:    $11,632.24

BB&T:        $ 6,000.00,  M&T:        $ 5,851.27,  Total CDs    $11,851.27,  Paypal:        $ 1,422.94

Grand total:    $24,906.45.  Steve said there was some concern, but got IRS 990N form filed just under the deadline so copasetic with the IRS. <Ah but are they with us or against us?>

Publications – New journal.  Gayle: Got contract from Connie's <secret?> agent.  Need Judy to sign.  We are on track.  She didn't get a chance to talk to Sean about cover but artist has all info.  On electronic media Gayle said that people are posting to WSFA Facebook page. It is becoming active.  Posting about events that are SF related.  Responding to Capclave blog.  None of the officers have been posting to the WSFA blog at  Paul: The WSFA site is a blog.  But none of the officers have posted.  Someone said that the WSFA history has holes, someone should fill them in." <WSFA's history is holey writ.> Everyone looked at Mike.  Gayle: Links that were broken have been taken down.  404 errors so nothing we can do.  Barry volunteered to check links.  Gayle said not to bother since people will report failed links. 

John for Meet Up said the group gained all of one person since last meeting. Total of 36, nine of which are current WSFAns. When a new group is created, anyone who selected SF as an interest is notified. So the number won't change much.  Ernest asked if Capclave is up as a list, John said no.  Ernest suggested organizing a trip to Iron Man 2. <Iron Man, Iron Man, Does whatever an iron can> John said wanted to get events vetted so not a separate group.  Sam suggested having someone organize an Iron Man 2 Meet Up.  Ernest said, does not have to be a weekend.  Kick it offline, or online.

Brian assumed there will be a WSFA party at Balticon… but was interrupted by people saying no. Barry suggested having meet up stuff appear on the WSFA forum list.  John said there is a mailing list that is part of Meet Up and can put the forum up on it.  But Brian said yahoo rules frown on it.  John said he is a newbie, Ernest is experienced.  See him afterwards.  Do you want to have a Meet Up in the con suite at Balticon?  Ernest suggested a Meet Up for going out to dinner.  Mike W suggested having a notice, to have people join Capclave there, before rates go up. Sam suggested people meet with John to plan this after the meeting.  (The Meet Up did not take place.)

Steve: other committees.  Capclave 09: We could close the book with notation as to why the number is not right.  Showing $11,654.78 income. We did pay for the fixing of John's projector.  Money was right around where thought were, pretty much broke even.  Considering Turtledove book made money we are fine.   Brian asked if we have all the papers.  Bill said with three treasurers <and no treasure chest!> and people not communicating, this is best we can get. 

Brian made a motion to close the books on Capclave <And they lived happily ever after. The end!> with a notation that they are as close as going to get.  But Steve said bad idea, just tonight got another income piece.  Table this.  Almost there, but not there.  $475 mystery deposit plus thing for Pomerantz's projector foot that should go to 2008 or general Capclave/WSFA, not 2009.  Brian accepted the tabling. 

Capclave 2010, everything is going along.  Table at Balticon.  Big push with prizes. We've got ducks for the duck pond and three prizes if get 20 members one prize, 30 for another, 40 for the third.  Sam said doing ad swap with Confluence.  Gayle said first time doing ad swap with Readercon.

Capclave 2011.  Things are progressing. Cathy outlined hotel possibilities. George and Cathy will talk and trying to get Contract.  Once contract is fixed, will begin approaching people to be guest.

George: what she said.

Talk SF: Asimov's issue

Small Press:  Judges are reading stories with goal of having top ten by the end of this month and short list sometime hopefully early next month.  The number depends on voting, usually six or seven.

No old business.

New business.  None.

No one here for first meeting. 

Announcements:  Have a ceiling but no insulation. Praise for The Windup Girl <Batteries not included>.  Gayle is the new evil emperor of SF Revue and Gumshoe Review. Ernest is stepping down.

Meeting unanimously adjourned at 10:07.  Attendance: Cathy Green, Paul Haggerty, Bill Lawhorn, Brian Lewis, Ernest Lilley, Sam Lubell, Candy & John Madigan, Walter Miles, Sarah Mitchell, Barry Newton, George Shaner, Steve Smith, Gayle Surrette, Mike Taylor, Michael Walsh, Ivy Yap, and Madeleine Yeh.



Who Trekked Hamlet?

By Samuel Lubell


In our world, the version of Hamlet that aired on PBS in April staring David Tennant as Hamlet and Patrick Stewart as Claudius/Ghost, had nothing to do with the characters the two played on SF television.  However, somewhere in the multiverse, things are a little different. 


The Star Trek / Doctor Who crossover – titled Hamlet, Prince of Denmark, begins with the Tardis landing on the planet Elsinore. When the Doctor introduces himself to the local townspeople they are surprised that a doctor came to see them, but then think he must be the returning Prince Hamlet who had gone off to school and they weren't going to go around calling him doctor since they had known him since he was a baby. The Doctor protests that he's not Hamlet but the Doctor. However, they still don't believe he is not Hamlet as the Doctor has no real name to use. Then when Rose introduces herself "Hi, I'm Rose Ann Ty.." one of the people interrupts her, "Rose Ann Krantz, of course. We've heard so much of you from Hamlet's letters."

The two are escorted to the castle where Captain Picard is undercover as Hamlet's Uncle. The planet has rich deposits of dilithium crystals and the federation is afraid someone may be trying to take advantage of the ruler's recent death, or maybe even caused it. Soon after the Doctor and Rose arrive in the castle, they are told of a ghost.  The ghost appears and tells the Doctor that "Hamlet, I am your father" and that Claudius (Picard's undercover identity) killed him so he could marry Queen Gertrude Crusher. Throughout the speech the Doctor keeps probing him with a variety of instruments, tries putting his hand and then various samples of rocks and metal through him, and pokes his sonic screwdriver in the air and says, "yes, yes." 

Unsure what to do about the ghost and the new King, the Doctor and Rose hit upon a plan when a group of actors arrive at the castle. The Doctor writes a play to be performed based on the story the ghost told and plans on monitoring people's reaction to the similarity. But, the head of the actor is an android named Data causing the Doctor to go berserk, muttering about Cybermen. Rose saves him from being locked up, "He's a scientist, he's supposed to be mad, you know," leading to the final confrontation with Picard.  This answers a question fans have been wondering, which is more powerful, the sonic screwdriver or a phaser?  The answer is, the sonic screwdriver disables the phaser but not before the phaser gets off one shot.  Fortunately it is set to stun. 

Ultimately, after the fight the two join forces only to learn that the ghost is part of Romulan plot to gain control of the planet. Rose is able to stumble her way into overhearing two Romulans talk when one of them offers Rose Ann Krantz the promise of advancement if she'd take Hamlet to England with faked orders to kill him. Picard and the Doctor burst into the room, Picard stuns the Romulans while the Doctor distracts them with a brilliant piece of logical improvisation.   Finally Picard and the Doctor shake hands before the Doctor and Rose board the Tardis. The phone booth vanishes, only to reappear in a strange wormhole where beings from the Doctor's past debate whether he is part of linear time or not.


They Gave Away Wall-E


The 6/4/10 First Friday meeting in June was called to order by Judy at 9:25.  There was barely a quorum, but enough.  Sec Sam read minutes from the last meeting.  There were no objections, but Sarah abstained on Bill's behalf. The Prez, VP, Sec nothing to say.  The treasurer's report said WSFA  $5,799.41, Capclave    $ 3,451.46, Merchant $ 2,377.35, Total checking:    $11,628.22 . CDs: BB&T $ 6,070.07, M&T  $ 5,851.27, Total CDs: $11,921.34. Also Paypal:  $ 1,529.14. Grand total: $25,078.90.  One piece of excitement is the treasurer got the interest from the BB&T CD, $70.07.  Madeleine suggested putting money in BP but Bob said it was leaking. 

Trustees: Barry said nothing was new.  Publications had nothing new.  Facebook was updated with information on WFA going to Balticon.  Some people responded. John did not schedule a MeetUp dinner.  Jeff Vander Meer signed contract for his book, but Judy has not signed the contract for Connie's book and Steve did not know about the contract.  <Contract, is the reason, is the answer, why everything happens!> Will have to ambush Judy and get it back to Connie and her agent. 

Capclave 09.  Bill said Steve sent final numbers with note that there may be an amendment.  Made a slight surplus, never a profit <what never? No, never? What never? Well, hardly ever.>  We didn't wind up owing more than we made.  But question of how much will be settled within 15 minutes after it is over.  Dueling treasurers.  Steve said: total income $11,892.28  expenses $11,559.62.  Surplus $332.66.  Worst case, if all disputed money goes to 2010, be closer to $200.  <Let's have a party!> 2010.  Gayle: Our table at Balticon brought in 20 memberships.  Gave away Wall-E.  Talked to people who never heard of Capclave.  Made $980.55 at Balticon - 17 memberships plus 7 book orders.  Duck pond brought in $75.55.  Capclave sign doesn't say where we are or what.  We should have a new sign that explains it.  <But then people wouldn't go up to us and ask us, "What's your sign?"> Mike said, "Larry runs the credit card for Mike W.  I noticed someone was local and asked if they heard of Capclave, they said went by the table but didn't know what Capclave was.  We need a sign saying DC-area con."  Discussion for later.

2011.  George: Sent memo to contact at hotel and hopefully will have a final contract next week.  So far so good. Just small changes and clarifications.  Will get done this month.

Talk SF – Hugo nominees. Lit Awards – Paul said that the judges are almost done reading the stories.  Will report back with nominees soon.  You guys will be turned over to read them. Almost your turn.  They are supposed to be finished reading by the end of this coming week. <And will never read anything again, because they're finished reading>

No old business. New business.  Gayle:  On SMOFS, someone said will go to convention a week if get funding. Asked for suggestions of conventions to go to.  No WSFAns said Capclave, but someone who been there said it was a good convention.  We need to do a better job selling ourselves. 

Announcements: Steve: Strawberry Festival.  Toby is a b/w kitten.  Toby Skywalker Chaplin.

Sam S. NSF announcement (see forum). Paul tried to start a new meme.  Wearing Dodos on his hand.  Someone asked what do Dodos eat.  I replied unicorns.  That's why they went extinct.  They overgrazed the unicorn population.  Gayle – Have cover for Jeff VanderMeer's book.  Check Capclave blog.  Sam S. asked about whether can buy originals of the painting.  Madeleine has someone to buy her necklace for adoption.

Meeting unanimously adjourned 9:58. Attendance: Paul Haggerty, Bill Lawhorn, Ernest Lilley, Sam Lubell, Bob MacIntosh, Sarah Mitchell, Judy Newton, Rebecca Prather, Mark Roth, Judy & Sam Scheiner, George Shaner, Steve Smith, Gayle Surrette, Mike Walsh, and Madeleine Yeh


Top Ways to Tell Your Neighbor is a Russian Spy

By Sam Lubell & WSFA


1.       Adds a "the great" to the name of anyone called Peter or Catherine.

2.       Asks where is the nuclear wessels kept (Mark Roth)

3.       Always in a hurry

4.       Buys Russian vodka by the case, frequently. (Mark Roth) and uses it for pasta.

5.       Celebrates every time the president names a new "Czar" in the White House. (Mike Bartman)

6.       Considers Anton Chekhov is a comic writer

7.       Drinks a red liquid that's not TrueBlood

8.       Every day asks you if you've learned any new secrets

9.       Frequently talks about killing moose and squirrel

10.   Goes to every performance of the Bolshoi ballet
11.   Has built a tall concrete wall around his yard (Mike Bartman)

12.   Is short and has "French" accent, and has, of course, tall, dark-haired girlfriend (Mark Roth)

13.   Keeps referring to his summer house as a "dacha" (Cathy Green)

14.   No matter what the subject, claims that it "was a Russian inwention" (Mike Bartman)

15.   Observes Christmas two weeks late

16.   Roots for the villain when watching James Bond movies

17.   Thinks that eating fish eggs is a delicacy and that liquor is made from potatoes

18.   Wears fur, even in the summer. (Mike Bartman)

Don't Google the Stories


The Third Friday in June began at 9:14 with Sam S presiding.  He said that there was no quorum but we can go through the motions.  Sam L, said without the quorum, we cannot have motions.  Sam L. read the minutes.  Steve gave the treasurer's report.  Calls for a party were heard <and ignored>.  The only treasury business was a check to Connie Willis and that paid her for the book. 

Publications:  Gayle said the signed contract and check went. She is working with artist to make the cover <Hawaiian> punchier. We need to get signature sheets sent out so can be signed by the author, artist, and person doing preface <and the designated driver>.  Hoping to get them out in July.   Book preorders are opened to everyone but nonmembers will pay more. Sam said the Journal will be combined June/July issue next month. <And here it is>

Capclave present, everything is on track.  We are working on programming.  Get ideas to her. 

Capclave future.  Cathy said George is bouncing back and forth with hotel on contract. Negotiations proceed.   It will probably be Oct 14-16.

For Intertivities Cathy suggested a trip to the Folklife Festival.  Erica saw an ad for a pirate dinner cruise in Baltimore.  Someone suggested trip to Toby's $40 for dinner theater. But Erica said WSFA tends to be cheap. Sam S. said Mozart opera at Wolf Trap is being done as sci-fi adventure.  Eva asked about the restored Metropolis <Superman saved it again>, Mike Walsh said the online site is listing the tour.  Sam L. said the K center is doing Mary Poppins this year <practically perfect in every way> and Wicked next year <I'm limited>.

Talk SF:  Sam said next time we will discuss the stories in the small press contest. Cathy said don't cheat and Google the titles. Small Press Award: Paul said the database of the members is online.  If remember name and password from last year, you can use that.  Otherwise he will email people the password.  If email changed let Paul know.  If 70% vote, Cathy will make fudge.  80% chocolate cheesecake.  90% both.  100% individual boxes of fudge. <WSFAns must pay for their own cavities>  Deadline to vote is August 1.   Discussion about how many words in novella.  We had 63 stories submitted.  WSFA have 39 members. 

No other committees. No old business.  New business. George asked about whether there would be a WSFA meeting at Reconstruction.  Cathy said will be a table but no Capclave party.

Mathew Bowman said he would be interested in starting up a writers workshop, not creative writing 101 but how to write well.  He is a former acquisitions editor.  He is using MeetUp. 

New person.  Mathew Bowman.  Live in Silver Spring.  Looked on MeetUp for writing groups. 

Announcements: Brian Lewis driving to Reconstruction so will give people rides. Mike Walsh said Johns Hopkins Press has book the Science of Doctor Who.  <Who?> Today was Eva's last job at NOAA; on Monday she starts her new job at NASA.  Not at Goddard, unfortunately Crystal City.  She'll be doing technical editing for IT contracts.  In September, because the Scheiners are in <Old North> Australia, First and Third Friday will be here in Maryland.  Here, here, people said.  Cheers for Candy. Cathy said Sam L. should check with the Pomerantzs about a fourth party and let the list know. (John emailed the list). Meeting unanimously adjourned 9:55

Attendance: Carolyn Frank, Erica & Lydia Ginter, Brian Lewis, Sam Lubell, Evan Phillips, Judy & Sam Scheiner, George Shaner, Steve Smith, Bill Squire, Gayle Surrette, Mike Taylor, Michael Walsh, Eva Whitley, Ivy Yap, Madeleine Yeh, and Mathew Bowman.