Vol.4 No.7



Meeting of November 7, 1980, Tom Schaad presiding at Gilliland's.

The meeting was called to order at 9:17pm. The minutes of the previous meeting were approved as read. The treasury stood at $3,454.44.


MEMBERSHIP: At the last meeting, one new member was accepted--Douglas Lewis.

ENTERTAINMENT: Dec. 13, 1980 was chosen as the date of the WSFA Solstice Dinner. Of course, Dec. 12, 1980 will be the date of the Pagan Tree-Trimming. Please bring an ornament for the tree. Also see Doll about your dinner contribution of food. As usual, WSFA will pay for the turkey and drinks.

PUBLICATIONS: The November Journal is out. For October, 50 WSFA Journals were mailed. The address list will appear in the December issue.

DISCLAVE 1981: As relayed by Beverly Brandt, Isaac Asimov is our tentative GOH "if the 'cric don't rise!" Also, Ms. Brandt has sold 18 memberships so far. If Isaac is a no-show, it was suggested that Alexis Gilliland be our SGOH.


  1. By-Laws Amendments-- 1. That Article IA1 read: "Dues sha be $8 per annum or $3 per quarter". Y:8;N:18;A:1. Amendment defeated. 2. That Article IA1 read:"Dues shall be S5 per annum or $2 per quarter." Y:16;N:4;A:4. Amendment passes. 3. That the following be inserted into Article I:"Payment of the full annual dues either by quarter or in one payment shall include a membership in the DISCLAVE held at the end of the club year." Y:11;N16;A:6. Amendment defeated. 4. That the following be inserted into Article I: "all life memberships awarded prior to Sept. 1980 shall retain all rights and privileges previously enjoyed in perpetuity". Y:31;N:1;A:1. Amendment passes.
  2. DATCLONE-- A suggestion was made to hold it in Ocean City?????! Well, the room rates are good. Jack is still bargaining with the Key Bridge Marriott for a $32s/$38d. The Hunt Valley Inn wanted $68 flat. Gettysburg, Pa. is also being considered.



  1. Beverly Brandt is publishing a fanzine for WSFA. Contributors needed.
  2. Sharon Harris is present but can't attend the meeting. It seems smoke from cigarettes and her lungs don't agree, and asthma is keeping her out.
  3. See Mike Walsh for BALTICON info!!
  4. ROVERCON was dubbed the worst con of 1980.
  5. Alexis has his galleys for his latest tome.
  6. Until further notice, there will be no more 3rd Friday meetings at Berg's.
  7. At the first Friday of December, a DISCLAVE 82 Chair will be selected.
  8. The 3rd meeting of Dec. is at the Oliver's.
  9. Steve Stiles needs men for the comics! (?).

The meeting was adjourned at 10:05 pm.


Meeting of November 21, 1980, Tom Schaad presiding at Oliver's.

The meeting was called to order at 9:16pm. The minutes were approved as read. The treasury stood at $3,295.01.


MEMBERSHIP: Four new members were accepted-- Kim Hutchinson,; Sally Bensusen; Chris Valada; Donald Bieniewicz; one new corresponding member was accepted--Joe Giaquinto.

ENTERTAINMENT: Tonight we find out who shot J.R. (I still think the baby did it!-- Ed.). Do not forget the Solstice Dinner on Dec. 13 and the Pagan Tree-trimming on the 12th. If Lee comes, there will be poker. If there is time, Mike Harris will give a dramatic reading!

PUBLICATIONS: The secretary asked people to check their address cards on file so the new mailing list could be compiled for the December Journal. Also, Jane Wagner has a new fanzine (this is contagious)!!

DISCLAVE 1981: Alexis reported that Isaac Asimov has confirmed as GOH!!



  1. The secretary requested that the club consider the following--that WSFA Journals be mailed only to corresponding members, members not in the vicinity, and that any person who has missed a Journal call her directly, so that one could be mailed to them. This is to replace the old system of checking attendance lists against membership lists to see who should be mailed a Journal. The club supported the new procedure. (So if you miss a meeting and a Journal, give me a call at (703)-979-9478 --Ed.)
  2. DATCLONE--From out of the blue, Jack Chalker and Eva Whitley presented the Sheraton in Gettysburg, Pa. for the site of DATCLONE, as a possibility. They also mentioned the Carousel Hotel in Ocean City, Md.. The club voted to hold DATCLONE at the Sheraton because of the great deal-- $26s/$32d.; 1 free function room;suites at 75/day;limo & bus service from BWI/Harrisburg;pool & sauna. The motion was made and carried that WSFA underwrite the costs of DATCLONE, (here is the good part), that Jack and Eva be DATCLONE Chairs.


  1. Beverly Brandt presented her new fanzine, SF Chaos!!
  2. An author was in our midsts--Dr. Gary Bennett
  3. Anyone interested in the SCA's 12th Night dinner, see Kent Bloom.
  4. Michael Harris tried to give a dramatic reading, but was beat by J.R..

The meeting was adjourned at 10pm.


ACKERMAN, Forrest             BROWN, Steve                  DERRY, Chick
2495 Glendower Ave.           [censored]                    6813 3rd. St.
Hollywood, Ca. 90027          Arlington, Va. 22201          Riverdale, Md. 20840
(213)-MOONFAN                 (703)-527-2191                (301)-474-8071

ARDRAMBAULT, Roselyn L.P.     BRUNK, Randall                DIONNE, Joanna & Wayne
[censored]                    Box 369                       [censored]
Burke, Va. 22015              College Pk. Md. 20740         Camp Springs, Md. 20022
(703)-569-2941                (301)-262-6325                (301)-248-5566

AVERY, Shirley                BUHMAN, Fran                  ELLIS, Dave
[censored]                    [censored]                    [censored]
Laurel, Md. 20811             Alexandria, Va. 22311         Silver Spring, Md. 20903
(301)-776-1165                (703)-820-2652                (301)-439-2952

BARBER, April                 CALLAHAN, Chris               ELLIS, John
[censored]                    [censored]                    9606 Dilston Rd.
Severn, Md. 21144             Berwyn Heights, Md. 20740     Fairfax, Va. 22030
(301)-551-8357                (301)-474-0549                (703)-385-9233

BARRON, Barbara               CAROL, Avedon                 EWELL, Newton
[censored]                    4409 Woodfield Rd.            [censored]
Albany, N.Y. 12209            Kensington, Md. 20795         Oxon Hill, Md. 20022
(518)-463-7508                (301)-946-2868                (301)-567-3258

BARTMAN, Mike                 CARROL, Denny                 FARWELL, Troy
[censored]                    [censored]                    [censored]
New Carrollton, Md. 20784     Springfield, Va. 22150        Oxon Hill, Md. 20031
(301)-459-0733                (703)-451-1188                (301)-894-2242

BAUM, Bobby                   CASWELL, Ellen                FETTER, Judy
[censored]                    [censored]                    [censored]
Bethesda, Md. 20034           College Pk., Md. 20740        Arlington, Va. 22201
(301)-229-6475                (301)-864-0823                (703)-841-9670

BEEKEN, Andy                  CEPEDA-SANCHEZ, Bianca L.     FRIEDMAN, Abraham
[censored]                    [censored]                    [censored]
Washington, D.C. 20009        Forest Heights, Md. 20021     Arlington, Va. 22204
(202)-462-0727                (301)-839-5582                (703)-920-4788

BENSUSEN, Sally J.            CHALKER, Jack                 FRITTS, Marjorie L.
[censored]                    4704 Warner Dr.               [censored]
Lanham, Md. 20801             Manchester, Md. 21102         Hillcrest Heights, Md. 20031
(301)-577-8521                (301)-239-8999                (301)-894-8046

BERG, Bill                    CLIFFORD, Robert J.           GOETZ, Beth
2131 Keating St.              [censored]                    [censored]
Hillcrest Heights, Md. 20031  Dunbar, W. Va. 25064          Arlington, Va. 22205
                              COHEN, Regina                 GIAQUINTO, Joe
BIENIEWICZ, Donald J.         [censored]                    [censored]
[censored]                    Alexandria, Va. 22303         Union City, N.J. 07087
Vienna, Va. 22180             (703)-960-6938                (201)-866-1219
                              COX, Jan & Phil               GILLILAND, Alexis & Doll
BLINN, Judith                 [censored]                    [censored]
[censored]                    Falls Church, Va. 22042       Arlington, Va. 22204
Alexandria, Va. 22311         (703)-532-0420                (703)-920-6087
                              DAVIS, Avery                  HAMILL, Eric
BLOOM, Kent                   [censored]                    [censored]
338 N St. S.N.                Atlanta, Georgia 30332        Oxon Hill. Md. 20021
Washington, D.C. 20024        (404)-351-1178                (301)-834-4822
                              DEGLIN, Rich                  HANNA, Katherine E.
BOUNDS, Ron                   [censored]                    [censored]
[censored]                    Alexandria, Va. 22311         Arlington, Va. 22205
Gardena, Ca. 90249            (703)-820-1103                (703)-532-1928
                              DENNIS, Scott                 HANDWORK, Nancy E.
BRANDT, Beverly               2333 N. Calvert St.           [censored]
3326 Lauriston, Pl.           Baltimore, Md. 21218          Fairfax, Va. 222030
Fairfax, Va. 22031            (301)-366-4794/4808           (703)-385-9233

HARRIS, Sharon(SLS) & Michael LOVELL, Bob                   NEWTON, Barry & Judy
[censored]                    [censored]                    P.O.B. 153
Haymarket, Va. 22069          Baltimore, Md. 21211          Sandy Spring, Md. 20860
(703)-754-8814                (301)-366-4808                (301)-774-0929

HASTIE, David                 LYNCH, Janet                  NORMANDY, Elaine
[censored]                    [censored]                    [censored]
McLean, Va. 22101             Fairfax, Va. 22031            Riverdale, Md. 20840
(703)-790-9366                (703)-273-1290                (301)-779-4752

HENEGHAN, Jack                MacINTOSH, Robert J.          NOVAK, John
6211 64th Ave. Apt. 3         4163-103 S. Four Mile Run Dr. [censored]
Riverdale, Md. 20840          Arlington, Va. 22204          St. Louis, Mo. 63119
(301)-779-4752                (703)-920-3893                (314)-644-3078

HONDROS, KLEEO                MADLE, Bob                    OLESON, Gary
[censored]                    5709 Bester Dr.               [censored]
Bladensburg, Md. 20710        Rockville, Md. 20853          Alexandria, Va. 22303
(301)-864-9339                (301)-460-4712
                                                            OLIVER, Bob & Rosa
HUFF, Alan                    MANDELL, Elaine               [censored]
9606 Dilston Rd.              [censored]                    Clinton, Md. 20735
Silver Spring, Md. 20803      Owings Mills, Md. 21117       (301)-868-7940
(301)-439-2952                (301)-356-4958
                                                            OWINGS, Mark
HUFF, John                    MARLOW, Bill                  9606 Dilston Rd.
[censored]                    [censored]                    Silver Spring, Md. 20903
Hillcrest Heights, Md. 20031  Severn, Md. 21144             (301)-439-2952
(301)-894-8048                (301)-551-6993
                                                            PAVLAT, Bob
HUTCHINSON, Kim               MAYHEW, Bill                  5709 Goucher Dr.
[censored]                    65-C Ridge Rd.                College Pk., Md. 20740
Lanham, Md. 20801             Greenbelt, Md. 20770          (301)-345-6652
(301)-577-8527                (301)-414-0955
                                                            PEOPLES, Lisa
JACKSON, Barbara              MAYHEW, Joe                   [censored]
[censored]                    6000 67th Ave. Apt 104        Arlington, Va. 22206
Annandale, Va. 22003          E. Riverdale, Md. 20840       (703)-820-9573
(703)-941-4751                (301)-459-5634
                                                            PETRINO-SCHAAD, Marianne G.
JENKINS, James R.             McARTHUR, Bob                 [censored]
[censored]                    [censored]                    Arlington, Va. 22204
Arlington, Va. 22201          Washington, D.C. 20009        (703)-979-9478
(703)-241-2243                (203)-232-6288
                                                            PEUGH, Janet
JONES, Patrick                McNEILL, Laura                [censored]
[censored]                    [censored]                    Bethesda, Md.
Silver Spring, Md. 20903      Arlington, Va. 22207          (301)-652-1046
KELLY, Pat                                                  POTS,Pat
744 S. Florida St. Apt. 9     McNITT, Virginia S.           [censored]
Arlington, Va. 22204          [censored]                    Austin, Texas 78757
(703)-591-2098                Bethesda, Md. 20014           (512)-458-8459
KOON, Suzi                                                  PRATO, Janet
[censored]                    MELNICK, Linda                [censored]
Alexandria, Va. 22312         [censored]                    Annandale, Va. 22003
                              College Pk., Md. 20140        (703)-256-5682
KOZLOWSKI, Michael            (301)-779-4672
[censored]                                                  PRESTON, Dick & Jane
Beltsville, Md. 20705         MILES, Walter A.              [censored]
(301)-572-7210                16 Ansell St.                 Vienna, Va. 22180
                              Alexandria, Va. 22305         (703)-281-2711
KURMAN, Mike                  (703)-548-4117
[censored]                                                  QUICK, William
Baltimore, Md. 21211          MORMAN, Mary                  [censored]
(301)-366-5679                4847-B S. 28th St.            Severn, Md. 21144
                              Arlington, Va. 22206          (301)-551-2581
LEWIS, Douglas                (703)-820-9573
[censored]                                                  RIDENOUR, Ray
Silver Spring, Md. 20910      NEWCASTLE, Mimi A.            [censored]
                              7208 Shockley Ct.             Baltimore, Md. 21211
LOTER, Nick                   Oxon Hill, Md. 20022          (301)-366-7365
[censored]                    (301)-248-6736
Alexandria, Va. 22303

ROBINSON, Scottie             SPEARMAN, Stephanie           WALSH, Mike
[censored]                    [censored]                    115 W. 29th St. 2nd Fl.
Springfield, Va. 22151        Carrollton, Md. 20740         Baltimore, Md. 21218
(703)-569-1449                (301)-577-8177                (301)-366-7640

ROEPKE, Dick                  STANFILL, Craig               WEEMS, David
[censored]                    [censored]                    [censored]
Berwyn Heights, Md. 20740     College Pk., Md. 20740        Fairfax. Va. 22031
(301)-474-0549                (301)-864-8376                (703)-573-7224

ROGERS, Warren A.             STILES, Steve                 WHEELER, Sue
[censored]                    [censored]                    [censored]
NY, NY 10040                  Arlington, Va. 22205          Baltimore, Md. 21236
(212)-942-8818                (703)-524-4158                (301)-882-9169

ROLAND, Ralph                 STODDARD, Carole Anne         WHITE, Mark J.
[censored]                    [censored]                    [censored]
Oxon Hill, Md. 20022          Riviera Beach, Fla. 33404     Lexington Pk., Md. 20653
(301)-248-4511                                              (301)-863-2582
                              STRAUSS, Erwin S.
ROSEMAN, Ken                  9850 Fairfax Sq. Apt. 232     WHITLEY, Eva.
P.O.B. 256                    Fairfax, Va. 22031            4704 Warner Dr.
College Pk., Md. 20740        (703)-273-6111                Manchester, Md. 21102
(301)-277-0552                                              (301)-239-8999
                              SUCHARITKUL, Somtow
RUBINS, John                  16 Ansell St.                 WINFIELD, Suzanne L.
[censored]                    Alexandria, Va. 22305         [censored]
Suitland, Md. 20023           (703)-548-4117                Salem, Va. 24153
(301)-568-6416                                              (703)-381-2331
                              SWEETING, Linda
SANDS, Cathy & Leo            [censored]                    WISE, Marti
[censored]                    Greenbelt, Md. 20770          3326 Lauriston Pl.
Baltimore, Md. 21218          (301)-345-4762                Fairfax, Va. 22031
(301)-467-1268                                              (703)-698-5058
                              SWEETING, Tom
SAPIENZA, John                [censored]                    WOLZ, Ron
2440 Virginia Ave NW Apt D-203Clinton. Md. 20735            [censored]
Washington, D.C. 20037                                      Laurel, Md. 20810
(202)-659-2147                THERON, Peter                 (301)-792-4536
SCHAAD, Tom                   Alexandria, Va. 22303         WOODWARD, Sgt. Morgan O. & Jane
[censored]                    (703)-768-1386                POB1901 OPS Co. TORII STATION
Arlington, Va. 22204                                        USAFSO APO SF 96331
(703)-979=9478                TOORVILLE, William A.
SCHALLES, Jeff                Wheaton, Md. 20902
[censored]                    (301)-942-8439
E. Riverdale, Md. 20840
                              TUCHMAN, Mike
SCOTT, Jeff                   [censored]
[censored]                    Alexandria Va. 22314
Silver Spring, Md. 20910.     (703)-836-8957

SIMMONS, Ida                  TURNER, James
[censored]                    [censored]
Springfield, Va. 22752        Arlington, Va. 22209
                              VALADA, Chris
SMITH, Steve                  [censored]
4841-B S. 28th St.            Vienna. Va. 22180
Arlington, Va. 22206          (703)-938-4509
                              WAGNER, Jane
SMITH, Victoria A.            1000 6th St. S.W. #308
4500 Pohick Lane Apt 6-203    Washington, D.C. 20024
Fairfax, Va. 22030            (202)-554-2730
                              WAHL, Lisa
SMOIRE, Lee                   [censored]
2329 N. Calvert St.           Seabrook, Md. 20801
Baltimore, Md 21218           (301)-794-7148


Lee Smoire (10/30)
Linda Sweeting (11/19)
Chris Callahan (11/23)
Janet Prato (12/5)
Wayne Dionne (12/11)
Michael Kozlowski (12/12)
Jack L. Chalker (12/17)
Charles Gilliland (12/27)
Avedon Carol (12/29)
Somtow Sucharitkul (12/30)


The WSFA Journal is the newsletter of the Washington Science Fiction Association. Editor-in Chief: Marianne G. Petrino-Schaad, [censored], Arlington, Va. 22204. (703)-979-9478. Assistant Editors: Beverly L. Brandt & Joseph Mayhew.