The WSFA Journal


Volume VII, Number 1                               June, 1983


Regular meeting of May 6, 1983
At Gilliland's, Rosa Oliver presiding. The meeting was called to order at 9:12:22. The minutes were waved. The Treasurer announced that DUES ARE DUE AND PAYABLE. The Treasury stands at $5,464.62.


ENTERTAINMENT - brings you the election! (It was moved that we impeach the committee.)

PUBLICATION - The May Journal passed out (or was...). The June Journal will be an address list.

DISCLAVE '83 - Joe needs the names of staff tonight for the program book. As of 7:30 PM we had 752 paid-up members (oh my ghod); registration is now $13 and will be $13 at the door. VOLUNTEER to work & don't forget your cookies.

OLD BUSINESS - The Annual Meeting.



  1. Mark Owings was hit by a car, & broke a leg with other injuries - he's now doing OK & will be on crutches, but he should be at Disclave. The club sent an Alexis Gilliland special get-well card.
  2. The Vassar book sale is on at the Convention Center.
  3. Mike Walsh has books for sale.
  4. Jane Woodward is taking a life course and wants people to model in the nude.
  5. With the WSFA Secretary's job goes a bookcase full of the WSFA archives (heh, heh, heh).
  6. Lee needs a roommate for Disclave and is going to Australia in June - any fanzines, cartoons, etc. for her to take along to auction for DUFF?

The meeting adjourned at 9:25:47.

ADDENDUM (Secretary's Privilege) - After two years of nagging from her friends and a lot of chicken from Roy Rogers, Gerry Letteny has finally gotten a real life honest to ghod JOB!!!! Now she can come to WSFA meetings and go to conventions like any normal fan, instead of letting her job interfere with fannish activities...


The WSFA Journal is the lachrymose publication of the Washington Science Fiction Association Inc. Actually I'm not shedding any tears, but this IS my last issue as Secretary. One mo' time... Editor-in-chief: Jane Wagner, 604 Reservoir St., Baltimore, MD 21217. Assistant Editor: Joe Mayhew.


Annual Meeting of WSFA, held May 6, 1983
At Gilliland's, Alan Huff (trustee) presiding. The Annual Meeting was called to order at 9:27:07. The Treasurer read a list of paid-up members. The meeting was held to elect officers. On the following list, the trustees' nomination is indicated by an asterisk (*), and the winner is underlined.

FOR PRESIDENT: Alexis Gilliland* (elected by acclamation)

FOR VICE PRESIDENT: Michael Walsh*, Martin Morse Wooster, Avedon Carol

FOR SECRETARY: Beverly Brandt* (elected by acclamation)

FOR TREASURER: Bob Oliver* (elected by acclamation - a nomination of "Paul Oliver" failed for lack of a second...)

FIRST TRUSTEE POSITION: Alan Huff*, Bob MacIntosh, Rebecca Prather, Wayne Dionne

SECOND TRUSTEE POSITION: Avedon Carol*, Wayne Dionne, Bob MacIntosh

THIRD TRUSTEE POSITION: Steve Smith*, Avedon Carol, Bob MacIntosh, Rebecca Prather

Having safely completed its dangerous business, the Annual meeting adjourned at 10:20:42.

Meeting of May 20, 1983
At Oliver's, Rosa Oliver presiding. The meeting was called to order at 9:12 PM. The minutes were approved as read. The Treasurer's report was $2,584.16. PAY YOUR DUES! Some people will be dropped as of June 1 (new fiscal year).


PUBLICATIONS - Check your address for the June Journal.

DISCLAVE '83 - About 775 people, room reservations of 212 (Fri.) 242 (Sat.) & 104 (Sun.); have fun in the sauna, jacuzzi, pool, game room.

DISCLAVE '84 - Is taking volunteers! Please write down name, address, & where you'd like to work, & give to Jane Wagner.

ENTERTAINMENT - There's something called a Disclave next week. Bring cookies!

MEMBERSHIP - New member Keith Olson

OLD BUSINESS - keeping to a grand and glorious tradition, there was none.


  1. We should elect the Disclave '85 chair within the next couple of months.
  2. What about a trip to Jedi?
  3. What has WSFA done about filing taxes (we're working on it).


  1. Blue Thunder is good.
  2. Does anyone have fuzzy boots? (You had to be there.)
  3. Jack Heneghan graduated - he's now an engineer.
  4. Bev wants to reinstate the birthday list - give her your birthday.
  5. Bruce Miller is published - in a gaming magazine, but it's a start.
  6. 109 days to closing ceremonies.....
  7. Something Wicked This Way Comes is good.
  8. Vicki's Commencement exercise is tomorrow.

The meeting adjourned at some point, to the loud cheers of the retiring President and Secretary!!!!!!! (Yippee!!!)

DISCLAVE '84 is recruiting volunteers (as you know if you read the minutes). Send your name, address, phone, and what areas you'd like to work in to Jane Wagner, 604 Reservoir St., Baltimore, MD 21217.

BALTICON 18 is also recruiting - send the same info to Sue Wheeler, Baltimore Science Fiction Society, Box 686 Baltimore, MD 21203.

Don't these people ever let up? (We show no mercy...)

ConStellation Update

If by some faint chance you aren't working on ConStellation, here's the latest on what's happening:

The Huckster Room is sold out. Membership now stands at about 5,200 (Ghod Help Us All!). Attending membership is $40 until July 15, and WILL BE HIGHER AT THE DOOR. Supporting membership is $15. Conversion from supporting to attending is the difference between what you paid and the current attending rate. Hugo and site selection ballots are in P.R. 4, and were also mailed separately in May (thanks to WSFAns who stuffed the mailing!). YOU MUST BE A MEMBER OF CONSTELLATION BEFORE YOU CAN VOTE ON THE HUGOS. You may join and vote on site selection at the same time. Site selection ballots must be postmarked by July 15; Hugo ballots must be postmarked by August 1.

PROGRESS REPORT 4 started being mailed out on the target date, May 15. Since there are over 5,000 members, it took us a while (also, the Post Awful isn't very fast on bulk mail). The advance mailing with the Hugo and site selection ballots was mailed before the P.R. - it has the time-critical forms. Really - you'll get one....

The CON SUITE will run around the clock in the Convention Center. The convention will serve no alcohol, but there will be a cash bar run by the Convention Center concessionaire. Maryland has a very complicated drinking law; but if you were born before June 30, 1964 you can drink legally. Bring lots of ID, because you will be carded.

The art show will take reservations postmarked June 1 or after and up to July 15. Enclose a LSASE


The Secretary Gets The Last Word

This is my last issue of the Journal as secretary (Yippee!). Despite complaints, I really have enjoyed being the secretary and doing the Journal. I have gotten to know many WSFAns as I tried to match names with faces. And I enjoyed making some return to fandom and the club for what I have gotten out of it.

HOWEVER, I would like to make a few comments before I fold my tent and steal away. As you may have noticed, the last few Journals have consisted mainly of minutes of the previous meetings. There's a very good reason for this - getting copy for the Journal is still a nuisance. Over the last few months, I have found that I did not have enough time (thanks to the aforementioned ConStellation) to develop interesting articles, book reviews, movie reviews, con reviews, cartoons, etc. for the Journal, much as I'd like to include something other than the minutes. Since most other WSFAns are also working on the worldcon (and shame on you if you're not!), I haven't found anyone who can submit articles and artwork regularly.

Much as we all know and love our worldcon (speaking as a resident of SMOF Central Station), let's stop and think about our home club for a bit. WSFA is our place to chat, relax, rub backs, socialize, play poker, and (reluctantly) conduct worldcon business. The Journal is our clubzine, our "voice" - it would be nice to see it really speak for the members of the club instead of just the secretary.

It's Bev Brandt's job now, and I wish her all the best. But speaking from experience, may I ask that you send her lots of interesting articles for the Journal? If you'd like to read more interesting items than the minutes every month (and I'm sure Bev has some up her sleeve already), start contributing....PLEASE!


If your name does not appear on this list, it is probably because you haven't paid your dues. The Secretary does not have addresses for the following paid-up WSFAns: Sherna Comerford, Doug Humphrey, and James R. Jenkins.

Gail S. ABEND                 Donald J. BIENIEWICZ          Chris CALLAHAN
[censored]                    [censored]                    [censored]
Annandale, VA 22003           Vienna, VA 22180              Berwyn Heights, MD 20740
(703) 573-4026                (703) 938-4509                (301) 474-0549

Forrest J ACKERMAN            Dave BISCHOFF                 Avedon CAROL
[censored]                    9606 Dilston Rd.              4409 Woodfield Rd.
Hollywood, CA 90027           Silver Spring, MD 20903       Kensington, MD 20895
(213) MOON FAN                (301) 439-2952                (301) 946-2868

F. L. AHSH                    Kent BLOOM                    Ellen CASWELL
Box 2146                      551 Brummel Ct. NW            [censored]
Alexandria, VA 22301          Washington, DC 20012          Silver Spring, MD 20910
                              (202) SAD OGRE                (301) 585-0529
[censored]                    Ron BOUNDS                    Jack CHALKER
Takoma Park, MD 20902         [censored]                    [censored]
(301) 588-5770                Gardena, CA 90249             Manchester, MD 21102
                              (213) 970-0846
Shirley AVERY                                               Tim CHILDERS
[censored]                    Russell G. BOWERS             Box 2283
Columbia, MD 21045            [censored]                    Ft. Meade, MD 20755
(301) 799-7438                Baltimore, MD 21239           (301) 730-5702
                              (301) 377-8878
April BARBER                                                Dale C. CLARKE
[censored]                    Beverly BRANDT                [censored]
Severn, MD 21144              3326 Lauriston Pl.            Springfield, VA 22152
                              Fairfax, VA 22031             (703) 569-4111
Mike BARTMAN                  (703) 573-8230
[censored]                                                  Regina COHEN
Bethesda, MD 20814            Randall BRUNK                 [censored]
(301) 530-8720                [censored]                    Alexandria, VA 22303
                              Glendale, MD 20769            (703) 960-6938
Gary L. BENNETT               (301) 262-2445
[censored]                                                  Jan/Phil COX
Rockville, MD 20850           Fran BUHMAN                   [censored]
                              [censored]                    Falls Church, VA 22042
Sally BENSUSEN                Alexandria, VA 22311          (703) 532-0420
[censored]                    (703) 820-2652
Lanham, MD 20706                                            Nancy DAMREN
(301) 575-8527                Sheila BULAK                  [censored]
                              [censored]                    Reston, VA 22091
Bill BERG                     Rockville, MD 20833           (703) 860-3808
2131 Keating St.              (301) 929-1423
Temple Hill, MD 20748
(301) 894-8048

Avery DAVIS                   Geoffrey L. GOULD             David J. KAPLAN
[censored]                    [censored]                    [censored]
Atlanta, GA 30309             Montclair, NJ 07042           Ringwood, NJ 07456
(404) 351-1178                (201) 746-8545
                                                            Pat KELLY
Scott DENNIS                  Nancy E. HANDWORK             3309 Taney Rd.
604 Reservoir St.             [censored]                    Baltimore, MD 21215
Baltimore, MD 21217           Fairfax, VA 22030             (301) 764-0678
(301) 523-5286                (703) 385-9233
                                                            Suzanne KERRY
Chick DERRY                   Michael/Sharon HARRIS         [censored]
6813 3rd St.                  [censored]                    Falls Church, Va 22043
Riverdale, MD 20840           Haymarket, VA 22069           (703) 698-0477
(301) 474-8071                (703) 754-8814
                                                            Annette/Mark KLAUSE
Joanna/Wayne DIONNE           David John HASTIE             [censored]
(as of 7/30)                  [censored]                    Takoma Park, MD 20012
[censored]                    Alexandria, VA 22307          (301) 891-3559
Temple Hills, MD 20748        (703) 768-6837
                                                            Rich KOLKER
Lucille ENNIS                 Jack HENEGHAN                 [censored]
[censored]                    8406 11th Ave.                Annapolis, MD 21401
Oxon Hill, MD 20745           Silver Spring, MD 20903       (301) 757-3129
(301) 894-7641                (301) 445-0466
                                                            Suzi KOON
Judy FETTER                   Michael J. HERRICK            [censored]
[censored]                    [censored]                    Alexandria, VA 22304
Arlington, VA 22201           Baltimore, MD 21218           (703) 998-0181
(703) 841-9670                (301) 633-6569
                                                            Mike KOZLOWSKI
Erich FRIEDRICHS              Frances E. HOLLAND            [censored]
[censored]                    [censored]                    Bowie, MD 20715
Springfield, VA 22150         Washington, DC 20009          (301) 262-9466
(703) 971-5594                (202) 483-1683
                                                            Ron LEONARD
Donna GAUSE                   Alan HUFF                     [censored]
[censored]                    9606 Dilston Rd.              Temple Hill, MD 20748
Thomasville, PA 17364         Silver Spring, MD 20903       (301) 894-8048
                              (301) 439-2952
Joseph GIAQUINTO                                            Gerry LETTENEY
[censored]                    Kim HUTCHINSON                [censored]
Union City, NJ 07087          [censored]                    Manassas, VA 22110
(201) 866-1219                Lanham, MD 20706              (703) 368-5478
                              (301) 577-8527
Alexis/Doll/Charles GILLILAND                               Sally LEWIS
[censored]                    Bill JENSEN                   [censored]
Arlington, VA 22204           [censored]                    Annapolis, MD 21401
(703) 920-6087                Greenbelt, MD 20770           (301) 263-3023
                              (301) 345-7420
Craig/Marsha GLASSNER                                       Betty LOCKWOOD
[censored]                    Laura/Pat JONES               [censored]
Michigan City, IN 46360       [censored]                    Frederick, MD 21701
(219) 874-2575                Falls Church, VA 22043
                              (703) 734-1230

Bob LOVELL                    Alison MUNN                   Bob PAVLAT
[censored]                    [censored]                    5709 Goucher Dr.
Ann Arbor, MI 48103           Reston, VA 22090              College Park, MD 20740
(303) 663-3637                (703) 435-3129                (301) 345-6652

Bob MacINTOSH                 Barry/Judy NEWTON             Lisa PEOPLES
4163 - 103 S. Four Mile Run   P.O. Box 153                  [censored]
Arlington, VA 22204           Sandy Spring, MD 20860        Binghamton, NY 13905
(703) 920-3893                (301) 774-0929                (607) 722-0850

Bob MADLE                     Elaine NORMANDY               Marianne PETRINO-SCHAAD
[censored]                    [censored]                    [censored]
Rockville, MD 20853           Silver Spring, MD 20903       New York, NY 10004
(301) 460-4712                (301) 445-0466
                                                            Evan G. PHILLIPS
Bill MARLOW                   John NOVAK                    7005 Forbes Blvd.
[censored]                    [censored]                    Seabrook, MD 20706
Severn, MD 21144              St. Louis, MO 63119           (301) 459-7759
                              (314) 644-3078
Bill MAYHEW                                                 Gail PITTAWAY
65-C Ridge Rd.                George E. NYHEN               [censored]
Greenbelt, MD 20770           [censored]                    Seabrook, MD 20706
(301) 474-0915                Arlington, VA 22205           (301) 794-8793
                              (703) 241-0858
Joe MAYHEW                                                  John POMERANZ
65-C Ridge Rd.                Bill OCHS                     4518 N. 40th St.
Greenbelt, MD 20770           [censored]                    Arlington, VA 22207
(301) 474-8215                Laurel, MD 20707              (703) 538-6024
                              Balto: (301) 792-4131
Ginny McNITT                                                Rebecca PRATHER
[censored]                    Gary OLESON                   [censored]
Bethesda, MD 20814            [censored]                    Falls Church, VA 22042
(301) 652-2245                Alexandria, VA 22303          (703) 534-2274
                              (703) 960-3774
Patricia E. MEEHAN                                          Dick/Janice PRESTON
[censored]                    Keith Olson                   [censored]
Alexandria, VA 22304          [censored]                    Vienna, VA 22180
(703) 751-1779                Arlington, VA 22209           (703) 281-2711
                              (703) 555-5473
Linda MELNICK                                               Bill QUICK
[censored]                    Rosa/Bob OLIVER               [censored]
Beltsville, MD 20705          9408 Michael Dr.              Severn, MD 21144
(301) 937-8426                Clinton, MD 20735
                              (301) 868-7940                Theresa RENNER
Walter MILES                                                [censored]
14603 Tynewick Ave.           Buz OWEN                      Bala Cynwyd, PA 19004
Silver Spring, MD 20906       [censored]                    (215) 664-7529
(301) 598-4769                Arlington, MA 02174
                                                            Ray RIDENOUR
Julia MOORE                   Jul/Mark OWINGS               [censored]
[censored]                    [censored]                    Baltimore, MD 21211
Washington, DC 20009          Baltimore, MD 21218           (301) 366-7365
                              (301) 433-6569
551 Brummel Ct. NW
Washington, DC 20012
(202) SAD OGRE

Scottie ROBINSON              Steve SMITH                   Chris VALADA
[censored]                    4841B S. 28th St.             [censored]
Arlington, VA 22204           Arlington, VA 22206           Vienna, VA 22180
(703) 521-8541                (703) 931-0934                (703) 938-4509

Warren A. RODGERS             Vicki SMITH                   Jane WAGNER
3326 Lauriston Pl.            3869 Chain Bridge Rd.         604 Reservoir St.
Fairfax, VA 22031             Fairfax, VA 22030             Baltimore, MD 21217
(703) 573-8230                (703) 385-9741                (301) 523-5286

Dick ROEPKE                   Lee SMOIRE                    Michael WALSH
[censored]                    3903 Greenmount Ave.          604 Reservoir St.
Berwyn Heights, MD 20740      Baltimore, MD 21218           Baltimore, MD 21217
(301) 474-0549                (301) 323-6579                (301) 523-5286

John RUBINS                   Craig STANFILL                Letitia C. WELLS
[censored]                    [censored]                    [censored]
Ft. Washington, MD 20744      College Park, MD 20740        Bethesda, MD 20817
(301) 292-9647                (301) 864-8376                (301) 229-0905

Cathy/Leo SANDS               Steve/Elaine STILES           Kim WESTON
[censored]                    [censored]                    [censored]
Baltimore, MD 21218           Baltimore, MD 21218           Baltimore, MD 21229
(301) 467-1268                (301) 243-7305                (301) 644-4446

John T. SAPIENZA              Erwin S. STRAUSS              Sue WHEELER
2440 Virginia Ave. NW         9850 Fairfax Sq. 232          [censored]
Apt. D-203                    Fairfax, VA 22031             Baltimore, MD 21218
Washington, DC 20037          (703) 273-6111                (301) 366-0296
(202) 659-2147
                              Lee STRONG                    Ted WHITE
Tom SCHAAD                    3421 Carlin Springs Rd. #1011 [censored]
[censored]                    Baileys Crossroads, VA 22041  Falls Church, VA 22046
New York, NY 10004            (703) 756-1590
                                                            Eva WHITLEY
Jeff SCHALLES                 Somtow SUCHARITKUL            [censored]
[censored]                    16 Ancell St.                 Manchester, MD 21102
Astoria, NY 11103             Alexandria, VA 22305
(212) 626-2685                (703) 548-4117                Sue/Ubear WINFIELD
George SCITHERS               Linda SWEETING                Bethesda, MD 20817
Box 8243                      [censored]                    (301) 493-5547
Philadelphia, PA 19101        Greenbelt, MD 20770
                              (301) 345-4762                Morgan/Jane WOODWARD
Charles SHEFFIELD                                           [censored]
6812 Wilson Lane              Tom SWEETING                  Laurel, MD 20708
Bethesda, MD 20034            [censored]                    DC local 953-1533
                              Greenbelt, MD 20770
Ida SIMMONS                   (301) 345-4762                Martin WOOSTER
[censored]                                                  P.O. Box 8093
Springfield, VA 22152         Mike TUCHMAN                  Silver Spring, MD 20907
                              P.O. Box 1132                 (301) 587-2269
Nancy SITTON                  Alexandria, VA 22313
[censored]                    (703) 836-8957
Arlington, VA 22205
(703) 533-8368