The WSFA Journal

The WSFA Journal

Volume 9

Number 5

First Friday


Meeting of October 4th at the Gillilands, President Alan Huff presiding. Minutes were taken by Ginny McNitt, Secretary.

The meeting was called to order at 9:10 p.m. Minutes were waved. Treasurer Bob Oliver was absent and the report was read by Doll Gilliland. The treasury stands at $3,411.07.


Disclave '85: Chairman Mike Walsh reported that Bob MacIntosh has a check for WSFA in the amount of $6,000.

Entertainment: Doll Gilliland reported that the TWILIGHT ZONE TV show is good. If people wish to come for the meeting at 8:00 p.m., they are welcome.

Datclone: Eva Whitley reported that she sent a letter to Harry Warner asking him to be GOH.


Trustee Judy Newton conducted the election of the Disclave '87 Chairperson. Joe Mayhew was again announced as the Trustee's candidate. There were no nominations from the floor. Bill Mayhew proposed that the nominations be closed. Joe Mayhew was elected by acclamation.


Rebecca Prather needs a good exterior painter and handyman. Suggestions please. Call 534-2274.

Mary Morman announced Darkover Con will be held Thanksgiving weekend in Wilmington, Del. If you wish to attend send $15 to:

     Armida Council
     Box 8113
     Silver Spring, MD 20907

This years guest is Diana Wynne Jones, noted British fantasy writer. Next year's confirmed guest is Anne McCaffrey. Only 500 memberships be sold, and 1st chance goes to 1985 members.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:25pm.

Third Friday


Meeting of October 18, 1985 at the home of the Olivers, President Alan Huff presiding. Minutes were taken by Ginny McNitt, Secretary.

The meeting was called to order at 9:20 p.m. Portions of the minutes of the previous meeting were read by Ginny McNitt. Treasurer Bob Oliver reported that the treasury stands at $9,248.11.


Disclave '86: Jack Heneghan read portions of his written report. The complete report appears at the end of the minutes.

Disclave '87: Chairman Joe Mayhew submitted a written report which appears at the end of the minutes.


Alan Huff reported that an accountant is working up a financial statement for the IRS, under the direction of Mark Weinburg, WSFA's lawyer.


Bob Oliver reported that he will be out of town for a minimum of three months and a maximum of two years. The club needs to decide what they want Bob to do, step down or arrange for a substitute to fill in. Also, Rosa has decided to stop holding 3rd Friday meetings at their home after January. The club needs to make other arrangements.

The meeting was adjourned at 10:00pm


My fellow WSFANs:

Disclave '86 is drawing near, 7 months off, and there is a bit of preparatory work left. Guess who needs your help?

But first, a few words on my view of Disclave (which may be different from others). I see Disclave as a get together for people with different mindsets, different ideas, and different views of life, but a common appreciation of science fiction (I suppose I should include the fantasy folks, too. Some of my dearest friends are fantasists). We live in our mundane world most of the time, but would go crazy from the television inspired imagination of those around us (you effete intellectual snob) if we couldn't socialize with our fellow fans.

In other words, a convention is party time. Others might say that a con is for education, art appreciation, costuming or hero-worship. I say that these activities should serve as conversational icebreakers, something to discuss with the stranger next to you (after all, we're only human, and a little shyer than most). The film program is a place to go when you're tired and there is a 'DO NOT DISTURB' sign on your hotel room door.

Back to business.

Disclave is an annual convention sponsored by WSFA for their fellow fans. I am but the CHAIR of Disclave '86, virtual dictator and autocrat. Alone, I am helpless. There are a variety of jobs that need to be done to run a successful con. Several people have already volunteered to handle some of them. Below is a list of the jobs and volunteers:

Chair---Jack Heneghan (can't do without)

Registration---Elaine Normandy (can't do without)

Programming---Eva Whitley (will need staff)

Huckster Room---Scott Dennis (no staff needed)

Art Show---Rosa Oliver (before con setup)

            ---Larry Porsch (at con setup)

            ---Dick Roepke (at con manager)

Children---Kate Terrell (can't do without)

Films---Mark Owings (will need projectionists)

Green Room---Barry Newton (will need dramamine)

Floating Busybodies---Mike Walsh and Alan Huff (don't ask them for help)

Treasurer---Bob MacIntosh (leaving for Rio Monday)

Logistics/operations---Open (supplies equipment and sees it gets used)

Publications---Open (program books, flyers)

Con Suite---Open (HELP-where's the party?)

With the exception of two or three people, those listed above are experienced con managers. There are several openings still available. Anyone who has an interest in a particular area should talk to the fan in charge.

Then there are the Gophers, small creatures seen sitting behind tables filing cards, carrying odd paraphernalia through program rooms, manhandling easels twice their size, and serving food and drink to the starving masses. It is said that an army marches on its stomach, well, a con works on its gophers.

'Disclave needs gophers' (great title for a movie).

More than gophers willing to help out for an hour or two, Disclave needs the assistance of all WSFAns.

I will be having a Disclave meeting for all interested parties at my place Sunday, November 17, 1985. We will be planning schedules, discussing additional guests, and smoffing.

Several items that need to be discussed:

If we are to have a thematic program, I would like to use the theme 'Computer Mind (expletive deleted)' in honor of our guest William Gibson and my IBM at work.

I would like to restrict the attendance of anyone under 18 to WSFA members that have been signed in by their parents or sponsored by a WSFAn over 21. This should go hand in hand with the revised WSFA constitution.

I do not wish to sponsor a video program.

Jack Heneghan
Disclave '86 Chair
9737 51st Place
College Park, MD


(as of October 18, 1985)

Joe Mayhew, Chairman

Barclay Shaw will be our Art GOH. A letter of invitation to one of the most respected figures active in the SF field went out on October 9th. After we have received his reply, we will contact a newer name in the SF field to complete our roster of guests. As the ABA will be meeting in DC over the weekend of May 22-25, 1987 (Memorial Day weekend) it should be possible tor its participants to come out to Disclave and party with us. Eva Whitley and Mike Walsh will look into the matter and work out details. Ray Ridenour is arranging a small, special invitational art exhibit which will be rather something new for SF cons.

The theme I would really like to put special effort into for the '87 Disclave is hospitality. I want a super C-640 with lots of tables, chairs, couches, munchies, sodas and beer to provide a gracious atmosphere where fans and our guests can meet and talk. I hope everyone will pitch in and help make our "con suite" the best damn party in the entire con-warp.

Disclave will continue to be a relaxacon. I define that as one which does not schedule more activities than it can comfortably staff. I want to get many of the major details arranged early enough to be able to put out a flier for '87 con at the '86 Disclave, and to sell memberships there. The Disclave needs new blood. Plan on helping plan and run WSFA's '87 Con. It is the only way you will get special rates.